I never met you, but I miss you💔

Jass 11/4/18 🌈👶🏼

I really feel lost, in a way that none of my friends or family understand. This emptiness, this constant sadness... I was 6weeks along - and we were so happy to finally get this opportunity. My son wanted nothing more than to be a big brother. It started with spotting, late sat evening... then I woke up with heavy bleeding. I didn’t want to believe it, spent the entire day in the ER, just to find out I lost my little bump😔 I am so sorry for any women that have ever been told they are NO longer pregnant. I just wanted to meet you, I wanted to see you and I never got to. I already grew an attachment to you. This has broken me down but has made me a stronger person in so many ways. I will have my rainbow baby in memory of this baby 🌈👼🏼... this was my baby and I’ll never forget you ❤️