Hoping AF don’t show up!

neli • 09.05.2019 👶🏻💖 01.05.2021 👶🏻👶🏻 💖💙

I’m two days late now, no af symptoms just my boobs hurt, slightly cramps here and there! I also get very emotional and moody when af is about to star 😂 I also caught a cold 🤧 I tested at 10dpo & got a bfn 🙄

Friday is my birthday 🎂💗 & hoping to get my BFP that day 🙏🏻 That’s all I’m asking for! Send baby dust this way🤞🏻😊

Has anybody else experienced this? Testing before period and got a bfn then tested after period was late and got your bfp? Lmk 😌