Support from your family


I’m 32 and pregnant with my second. I had the hardest time telling my parents about it because they really weren’t too supportive with my first.

So this second time around i decided to be honest and explain that i feel they aren’t supportive because I am more of the breadwinner, my fiancé didn’t go to college and already has 2 daughters that he supports and is a great dad. But i explained that i don’t think I’ll ever be able to meet their expectations so long as I’m with my current partner.

To me although financial stress is not fun, and we will never have enough money.... more money doesn’t always buy happiness. So I would like to feel just support. They are also always criticizing my weight which is another reason why i didn’t want to tell them i was expecting because my mom was more concerned my first pregnancy about how much i was gaining vs how healthy my baby was.

My dad keeps worrying I’ll get gestational diabetes when I didn’t have it with my first. I’m basically trying to explain to them just because someone is skinny doesn’t mean they are healthy. I’m 200lbs and 5’6” and i had gained weight from my normal 170-180lbs prior to conceiving.

I am concerned that with all this nausea and vomiting at 11wks5days that it’s not been the most ideal and i feel like i haven’t been able to exercise, drink as much water and eat as healthy as i should be but just trying to make it through my work day and do my best.

Just wondering if any of you have the same type of pressure or feel like it hasn’t been as happy to share your news with people who should love you the most?

I guess kinda having a pity party for myself.... me sharing my thoughts and feelings may have backfired as my fiancé now feels it uncomfortable to be around my dad because he doesn’t like being judged. He feels like if that’s the case they don’t have to be involved in their grandchildren’s lives. But that’s not how i would like it. I’m lucky i have one brother and he is always there for me and isn’t judge mental.