11/14 - CD 23 / 9? 10? DPO

🌜⭐| a m a n d a |⭐🌛 • 32-years-young / TTC #1 💍 6.26.07 - Until Forever 💋

Still unsure which dpo I'm on; the sore boobs on CD 14 make me think O on CD 13, but then CD 14 just seems so much more likely for O 🤷‍♀️

Either way, this cycle has been flying by. I've been too busy to think about it, which has been really good for me.

Bonkies and nips are excruciatingly sore now. I had this weird throbbing/burning pain in my nips the other night that I've never experienced before. Even hubby said, "jeez, you're ALWAYS having new pains every month." Tell me about it 😂 BD'ing was actually painful that night too and I'm not sure why, that was pretty unusual for me. I haven't felt any cramps yet, but my uterus feels sore, which is a little strange. No sharp/stabby pains so far this cycle 🙌🏻

Today I go in to fill out all my paperwork for the new job, and I'll probably get put on the schedule for next week. My interview with the other place is on Friday morning. So much to be grateful for right now 🙏🏻

Also thinking about treating myself and coloring my hair later today. The plum color I had for the summer is one of my favorites, but it's definitely faded now and too much to keep up with (not to mention damaging) so I think I'll go back to my natural dark brown. I always get the itch to color my hair certain times of the year, and it's funny how it usually coincides with major life changes.

I'm feeling really good about life right now. The best I've felt in a long time. 🙏🏻