Mesh Hernia Repair & Pregnancy

I had 2 hernia repairs in November 2017. I had a small umbilical hernia that they were able to repair with a few stitches and an inguinal repair that required a mesh. I am currently 26 weeks pregnant, due in February. The umbilical hernia repair has already come undone, and I can slowly feel the mesh from the inguinal repair pulling apart, as my OB expected would happen.

My OB is still unsure if I will be able to attempt a vaginal delivery or if she will schedule a c-section. There is a chance that pushing through labor could cause the mesh to completely tear away from the muscle and cause damage. With a c-section they would cut through the mesh and leave it in until I am done having kids. OB and surgeon agreed they would replace the mesh once I decide I’m done having kids, that way I don’t have an unnecessary surgery after each delivery.

I am terrified of pushing through labor and feeling that mesh tear apart. With my growing belly I can feel the mesh strain and pull, and it is pretty terrible.

Has anyone else been in this position with their hernia repairs? What did your OB decide to do?