"Deadbeat Mom"

I need to start by saying, I am separated from my husband because he has been physically and verbally abusive to me for 3 years. We have a 2 year old son who was there though the abuse. My husband would encourage my son to hit. He never gave a bottle or took care of my son, he didn't play with him ever. My husband only would play with him if it involved biting and hitting, but when my son bit him hard enough he would spank him HARD.

Now, I moved away and i am living with my sister-in-law until I get on my feet, she is fully aware of the situation and she know who her brother is. He used to hit her when they were little. My sister-in-law let my husband know that he could facetime our son through her phone if he wanted to. He has not call ever in the past month, and he has asked in 3 occasions how our son is doing. He keeps trying to lower the allowance that the military says he should pay us because he cares more about himself.

My father-in-law's wife posted a meme last night in her Facebook page that said:

"The real deadbeat is the mother that keeps her child away from a loving father"

Now, I am the deadbeat, but I have taken care of this baby for the past 2 years and 9 months (my pleasure to do so). He is as healthy and happy as he can be. I do not smoke, drink, party or anything that could be consider being close to a bad mother. He drinks and have alcohol dependency issues and he has never taken care of our son, but he is the loving father.

I was just so upset about this statement because they keep defending him after every bit of evidence provided. He tried to kill my son and me when I was pregnant.

I just needed to vent.