Here we go again 🤞🏼

Mari • ʙᴏʏ ᴍᴀᴍᴀ x2

Hey all! I’ve struggled with my body image and weight for a while. A couple of years ago I lost 30 lbs from healthy eating and daily exercise. But for whatever reason i stopped trying.. I mean I guess I stopped because I felt like I was getting no where. In my mind the numbers on the scale didn’t match what I saw when I looked in the mirror so I gave up.

I didn’t start to gain the weight back until I took a 3rd shift job for almost 3 years. Now I’m back up to the weight I was before the weightloss. I’ve never been happy with my body and I felt ugly until I met the love of my life. He thinks I’m beautiful the way I am and I’m so blessed to have him in my life. ❤️ When I complain about my weight he always makes a point to tell me I’m perfect and I don’t need to change but if that’s what I want he fully supports me. So we started working out together (me to lose weight, him to gain weight) and it was good for a bit but then I lost motivation..

Now we’re trying to have a baby and I want to be the healthiest I can be and so I’ve started the journey down this all to familiar road hoping and wishing I can see the end this time!

Next week I’ll be starting the Keto diet! I’ve been doing research and found a great blog (I Breathe I’m Hungry) with recipes and a 3 day jumpstart to keto!

Has anyone done Keto here and had good results? Or had bad results? Any other tips for Keto? Thank you!! 💖