Guess what!?


Hey guys! I would like to announce that I'm pregnant with my second child😁 haven't check at the clinic yet but according to my last period i am 9 weeks tomorrow! My finding my first pregnancy had me crying with joy. Finding out this second had me laughing cause me and husband weren't really expecting 😂 I don't know what's make it so funny that we laugh every time we make eye contacts ... Hahahaaa

So, my first pregnancy's first trimester was ...... The worst i would say. Morning sickness was so bad, i felt nausea all the time, i vomited very often too 24/7, it last till its 13 weeks. And belly really showed at hmmm 14weeks.

So far ni whole 9weeks of second pregnancy have been so calm. Im experiencing very light nausea sometime. No vomiting at all, at least for now, hopefully never! 😂😂 I start to crave early too. But not as much like before. And my belly is already showing, huge. makes me wonder that i probably having twin, but thats totally impossible cause i don't have family history or the genetic. Everything is okay so far, but the short breathing problem and cramps, and fatigue (backache😖) are messing with me . Its bad. But still definitely can handle them. For now at least 😁😁 but hey! Not vomiting is totally great😍😍😍

Me and my husband ganna go to the clinic tomorrow to register and hopefully have me check up right away. 😊😊