Pure-O Support

Today I was diagnosed with purely obsessional OCD (Pure-O for short). What it is is that you are obsessed with a self-devastating thought or idea caused by overthinking something minuscule “I like watching movies about death, so I must be a serial killer” “I must be gay because I thought that one girl was ugly.” “I ran a red light the other day so the cops are looking for me”, etc. and you spend really long amounts of time investigating your thought or trying to rationalize it and make it go away, but it never goes away because something else will pop up or take its place.

I won’t say what mine is because it’s really irrational and out there, but the only way to overcome it is to face it head on with CBT. For example whenever you have an intrusive thought you might say: “That comment I made may have made my boss really mad and it might get me fired, but I’m going to accept that I said it even if it means I do get fired” which in some way rewires your brain to no longer see it as a threat or obsess over it and that scares me because I also have anxiety and I’m afraid of making it worse.

I don’t even know what I’m asking for here, but I really would like some support because like most mental illnesses, I feel alone and I’m wondering why I have this problem or where it came from😔