Breastfeeding question


Ok I'm going to try my best to explain this 😬 so when my daughter was first born I was nursing her on one side for a feed, and then would switch to the other side for the next feed. When she started wanting more I fed her from both breasts each feeding and now I have an annoying situation where one breast produces more than the other (I think because she latches better on my right breast so she nursed from there more). I know this is pretty common but when I was doing one side per feed I didn't have this issue. My "slacker boob" barely produces an ounce and a half while my right produces 2 1/2-3 every feed. Is there any way to even this out? I've read that you shouldn't block feed unless you have an oversupply. My baby seems to be experiencing a hindmilk/foremilk imbalance though lately. Weight gain has slowed A LOT and she's been having green poops. Nothing new in my diet, no excess dairy, she's not sick, and I'm not eating a ton of green foods so idk what else it could be. Any tips on getting my gals even again or am I just stuck with this? 🤷 And if my baby is having a hindmilk/foremilk imbalance how do I fix this?