Help with depression

I’m bipolar type II with anxiety and depression. I can get major problems from it and don’t ever feel fully managed. For weeks now I’ve been in a slump. I’m anxious constantly and depressed. This is no where near the most severe depressive episodes I get, but it won’t go away. I have no friends and am so lonely. I can’t make meaningful friendships. I have a loving family but they have their own issues and my mom suffocated me and further isolates me. The loneliness is a huge issue. I’ve had it for years it only gets worse not better. Consequence of the bipolar. I’m now crying all the time and so sad and down. I don’t enjoy anything at all. I barely get out of bed. I never cry and now it’s constant! Stupid things. Over nothing. I’m so isolated I don’t know what to do. I see a therapist who doesn’t help, but I tell my doctors everything. Medicines don’t work for me yet, tolerability issues. I have had to quit all my jobs and school (grad school) because I’m having so many issues from bipolar and depression and anxiety. So loss of identity. My life is derailing from everything I wanted. I really just want happiness back! Until my bipolar really hit years ago I was so happy. My life is totally off track now. I don’t recognize who I am anymore. Identity crisis too. I just want to be happy again and enjoy life! I’m not suicidal but I don’t know how much longer I can take this because it’s a constant battle with my mental illness. I wouldn’t care if I was in a car accident but I am not going to harm myself. I just want to get better! I try really hard to manage my illnesses and can’t catch breaks.

I say all this as background. Can any of you relate? What do you do? How do you pull yourself out of this, if you can? What helps? I want to be happy!!