Threatening Divorce!

My husband and I have been married 2.5 years and together for 5.5... we fight like any other couple and tease each other also and love unconditionally! We get through our battles with lots of communication and sometimes yelling.

After we had our son, I struggled with depression terribly and anxiety. I have been off medication for 2 months now and every time there is a little argument or disagreement he goes off saying it’s my fault, that I enjoy being at work to much, he accuses me Of cheating on him and NEVER HAVE and NEVER WILL! I work in sales and love my job and sincerely enjoy the work I do and the people I work with. Lately, with the little arguments and disagreements he threatens divorce, says he is done, threatens to take our son away from me, that I will only get visitation!

He begged for sex 2 weeks ago, nov. 16th. I continued to say no, that I was tired and wanted to go lay in bed with our son! He said fine we will just watch a movie so I said okay and then he continuously kept throwing himself at me, so being husband and wife I continued to allow him to do it. As I laid there uncomfortable!

This morning he was acting funny and I asked what was wrong, he said me. That it bothers him that I didn’t get “wet” last night while having sex, I didn’t want it. He got pissed and immediately went to start accusing me that I was running around on him and than again threaten divorce and said he was done with my attitude. I’m feisty and responded with, people who normally accuse the other person of cheating is normally the person in the wrong! Of course, i started crying, because I hate fighting and he says, “way to go make yourself cry right before work.”

I love him and want to work it out, but now he is set on a divorce after Christmas! Oh let’s not forget to mention, I’m 4 days late on my period because we have been trying for another baby and now if I’m pregnant, I don’t even want to tell him!

*he has never physically hurt me!

**he acts a lot like my dad, which is scary, alcohol is his go to, “let go” remedy! But denies that he is an alcoholic!