Leaving food out for stray cats:


****please read this before answering so you don’t think I’m some sort of heartless woman**** 🤣

We have an issue with a lady & a man leaving huge tubs of cat food behind our & our neighbor’s fence lines.

It’d be great if the cats actually ate it- but instead it attracts raccoons & coyotes.

2 nights ago we had a coyote come around the fence line and into our front yard.

There are 3 coyotes that “hang out” in our yards now & eat the left out food.

I talked to the lady about this & informed her that animals other than the cats are eating it- and asked if we could come to a solution on what to do. I also asked her to stop leaving it directly behind our home for the mean time. She rolled her eyes and got back into her car, then drove off.

I know I’m speaking of a personal issue, but I want to know y’all’s opinion on this entire issue (not just my viewpoint).

Do you think leaving food out for stray cats is a good idea?

If you were leaving the food out, would you stop if you realized that it was attracting coyotes (or another animal that would harm a cat)?

What would your solution be?

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