
Screaming from the rooftops! We just had our 3rd daughter in March. We have a 9 year old and a 4 year old. We want a big family so we wanted more children and are so thrilled!!!

Backstory: for all three of my girls I knew when I was pregnant and new exactly when I conceived. After I had my daughter in March, I had two in June and one in August. My period both times were short around 4 days (they are usually 5-6).

When I didn’t get a period I kept taking pregnancy tests and they all said negative. I made a drs appt with my family doctor last month and she gave me the option of either taking birth control or taking medicine to start my period. I declined because I wanted to see if I would start on my own.

Well I decided to make an appt with an actual OBGYN which I’ve never had before. I’ve always just seen my family dr. But as it turns out, she’s not delivering babies anymore AND SHE DELIVERED ALL THREE OF MINE. So that makes me sad! Anyway I decided to see someone who actually specializes in female parts not that my family dr couldnt anything but just for a piece of mind.

So, I check in today and start telling the nurse what’s going on. She asked me the last time I took a test and I told her it has been over a month for sure. She at first said she wasn’t going to have me take a test, but she would see what the dr said. She asked me if I had to go to the bathroom and at that point I said yes, and that “are you sure you don’t want a test since it’s been over a month since I tested?” And she said well, go ahead and give me a sample and if she wants it, we’ll run it. So fast forward to undressing because at this point she said the dr would want to examine me.

I was waiting for the doctor, the nurse came in all sing songy. “PAAAMELAAA”, I was like yes?! And she said it was positive. POSITIVE. I was like are you SURE that’s mine?? She said yep! She also said the test came out quick too. She sent me down to ultrasound and I got to see my bundle of joy!! 8 weeks exactly! I am still in shock. Completely in shock. I was really hoping that something wasn’t wrong for not having a period!

I am blessed and so happy. I just wanted to share!