We have been trying since May, tarted clomid two cycles ago and the second round did the trick... we are soooooook over the moon💕

Francheska • 💍wifey 👧🏽 060413 👼🏻020319 🌈 2020
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I start Clomid Monday and hoping it works and we get our second baby finally! Or more I wouldn't mind, my husband just might 😂🤷‍♀️


Sierra • Dec 9, 2018
I've been using digital ovulation tests & preseed too, taking prenatals, etc etc. This month I'm also going to bbt too. I am so anxious and nervous about it all. My cycles are 25 to 35 days all over the place, sometimes I ovulate sometimes I don't. My husband hasn't been the most serious on trying for our second, but now he realizes everything is just all out of whack so he's got to really try and do it when it needs to be done so to speak 😂


Francheska • Dec 9, 2018
Use OPKs, that’s the only thing I did different this cycle, my round I missed my ovulation date, so the second round I started the opk at cycle day 11, and continued to test until my cervix was completely closed. Best of luck and tons of baby dust 💕🥰


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Sooo cute ❗️❤️ Congratulations 🎉


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I love this 💜 congratulations!