Miralax for toddlers


My son is going to be 3 in February. My boy tends toward the constipated. He goes pretty regularly but he has huge poops that he tells me are painful. He still goes and isn’t afraid to poop, but some discomfort is apparent.

I gave him bran in yogurt when he was small, but he got wise to it and turned his nose up. I tried prune juice but he wouldn’t drink it. I started feeding him a few chopped prunes at night. For a long time that worked, and they helped, but I wish they helped a little more. I increased him slowly up to like two or two and a half prunes a day, along with apple juice with dinner. I give him the prunes before bed.

Well, he’s starting to refuse the prunes. His pediatrician recommended Miralax, like half a cap and then increase by half cap increments if necessary.

I’ve read some scary stuff about Miralax. Have any of you moms used it? Did it work? Any side effects?