Should archeological artifacts be returned to the country of origin?


This week, Belgium’s Africa Museum re-opened, but the Democratic Republic of Congo is now demanding the return of its stolen artifacts.

The artifacts from the DRC are just one example of many. For years, important archeological artifacts have been taken from their country of origin and placed in large museums. Just to name a few examples, the Egyptian Rosetta Stone is now in the British Museum, the Greek Nike of Samothrace is at the Louve, the Babylonian Ishtar Gate is in the Pergamon Museum of Berlin, and the list goes on.

These artifacts were often stolen or acquired in dubious ways, but the question of returning artifacts to their country of origin is often murky, as artifacts repatriation often involves social, moral and practical arguments for and against it.

Do you believe that the “finder's keepers” rule applies here, or should countries that obtained artifacts from other countries return them?

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