6W+3 🌈and terrified with light brown discharge. Help please!!

Naaz • 🧕💍10y❤️ TWINS Mommy 10/22/19,MC-09/2018,12/2018. 👦 👦 🌈 Twins ❤️

Hello Aug Mommies

I hope you all are doing well, I am having so much stress from work as well as being pregnant after loss, its kind of so difficult to keep a calm. Today I had little light brown discharge. I did call my OB she asked me to have pelvic rest and gave option to prepone ultrasound which is scheduled for Jan 2. I don’t know what to do, I want to get ultrasound but also afraid that being this early it might no show baby’s heartbeat. What do you all suggest? Thank you in advance!


The discharge has increased than yesterday but not painful at all. Just had regular mild cramps. Ultrasound booked for Friday, I have a faith that baby will be healhty InshaAllah.