πŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ for amniotic fluid (UPDATE - BABY BORN!)


Been leaking something all morning. Waiting on the test to come back.

Will be ssooo disappointed if it's not :(


So they sent me home that afternoon. I decided to go in to work so as not to waste my maternity leave.

Worked 3.5 hrs, on my feet almost the whole time.

Went home, was watching tv on the couch and got up to poop when I felt a gush of fluid at 9:45pm

I did second guess if it was the real thing this time. But minutes later I started having very intense contractions. I could not even sit still long enough to time them.

Went to l&d, got checked and lots of fluids came out. 4cm dilated. Threw up from the pain. Got admitted.

Got epidural almost immediately after getting to room. Most amazing thing ever.

Can't remember exact timeline but labored for about two hours after first getting checked and went to 8cm! (Ftm here, woah!)

Another hour I was "basically complete" but foley was in the way of baby descending fully. Took that out and one more hour I was pushing!

Pushed for about 50 min. Baby born healthy at 8 lb 3oz. Labor start to finish 10 hours.