

Sorry this may seem a little windy.....

I have had inconsistent periods since I had my first period at 13. Of course at a young age I never thought anything of it. Fast forward many years, and I have been with the same man for 7 years and married for 3 of those 7.

I was on Depo for 5 years. I got off of birth control a year after we were married because we decided to have children. I did not get a period after the last Depo shot for almost a year and a half.

After two years of unprotected sex and nothing working I decided to go see a new Gynecologist. They then diagnosed me with PCOS. She said that a had very few very small cysts. She told me that I could get through this and get pregnant. She started me on 500mg of metformin twice a day. It worked for a couple of months I got 2 periods with no luck getting pregnant. After this no more periods. I ended up stop taking it because it gave me terrible diarrhea to the point that I had “accidents”.

A few months after stopping the metformin I had a natural period in November. Decided not to track anything and just go for it and if it was meant to be it would happen. Meanwhile my best friend gets pregnant and it breaks my heart. And my mom is telling me that I should be happy I married a man who already had a child because I might not be able to have my own. This breaks my heart. I have been trying to get into the OB to figure out what we can do. She had mentioned getting on birth control for a few months but I feel like that is the opposite of what I want. I have been seriously debating on going to a fertility clinic and just doing <a href="">IVF</a> treatments because I am getting sick of waiting and I just want to be pregnant.

Sorry it was so long just trying to get it all. Any words of advice or encouragement would be appreciated. Or any stories similar I am just tired of feeling so down.