Can dogs sense when you’re pregnant?


My dog Bella before I got pregnant was definitely more attached to me than my hubby. But now that I am pregnant , she’s obsessed!!! She pokes her nose at my lower belly, follows me everywhere even if I get up to walk 3 feet across the room. If I sit down on the couch she MUST be next to me at all times. Whereas before she would just watch me from her dog bed. If I’m laying on the couch she has her head on my tummy or her arm stretched across it. She has a separate dog bed in our room and now she jumps up on the bed and lays in between my legs with her nose up to the belly. Which is something she would’ve never done ever before. If I get up to pee , or to get water at 2am she comes with me. And back to bed we go. If I’m throwing up she’s guarding the door and won’t even let my hubby in without a whine . I obviously think this is cute but she’s definitely never done this before !

Here’s some cute pics💛