Iron deficiency anemia


Yesterday I had my bloods drawn at my 36 week appointment with my midwife. As usual she said she will contact me if my results are unusual, but no news is good news.

At 3:30pm, I received an email from my pharmacy saying they’d accepted my prescription order, now I was a little confused as I had not requested any medication. I logged into my app and I had to confirm my order of Ferrous Fumarate. I had no clue what this even was, so upon googling I found out they were tablets for irony deficiency anemia. I put 2+2 together and realised I was prescribed them due to my blood results, but my midwife had not contacted me... I had to find out through an email I was being prescribed unknown medication.

I’m unsure what my results were, but I’m not having any typical symptoms of having iron deficiency anemia. I’m still active for 36+2, I eat a well balanced and healthy diet, and I take my Pregnacare every day at the same time.

I just wondered if anyone else has been diagnosed with this, and how you got on? Thank you