Worried 6w 6d

Felt some stronger than normal cramping for about 10 minutes 2 or 3 nights ago (can’t remember exactly when). It freaked me out but went away after that, no spotting. I felt super super tired yesterday and a bit dizzy for a few hours, didn’t feel like typically nausea, felt just kind of overall sick or like something was off. Today, I haven’t felt any symptoms really - no morning sickness, don’t feel as tired as I have the past few weeks. I have been taking pregnancy tests every once in a while and took one today and rather than a super strong test line that was a bit darker than the control (as I’ve gotten for the past few weeks), I got lines that were both pretty equal. Strong but not as strong as it had been. I have my doctor appointment next week.

I realize there’s no hard reason to worry but when this feeling hits, it’s hard to shake. Not really looking for reassurance that “everything’s okay”. Could really just use some prayers, well wishes and good thoughts, at minimum for my anxiety to subside for a bit. Thanks!

Update: Good news! Ultrasound went great today!!!