Okay so first of all this guy was with his gf, him and i started talking because he helped me so much with this incident that happened. But also his gf didnt like him and i talking apprently he told me that she said that she doesnt want us talking. Anyways we were literally dec good friends and then he broke up with his gf for me ( i didnt tell him to tho he just did jt). we didnt date but we had a thing at school. We hungout 24/7 he was supe clingy he started saying "iloveu" so did i, but he started it first and he was just so nice and said so many promises about how he's not gonna leave me cause i told him how i felt that since they just broke up I didnt think it was a good idea for him and i to be together so fast but we were technically together. Btw this is in highschool (grade9-10). After a week of thinging with him. He tells me "im sorry i still have feelings for my ex gf and I dont think its going to workout i need some time to think" and then we taked a bit. He's such a dick also him and his gf have already broken up 3-4 times which is fucked. And now they're getting back together again. Basically i was the rebound girl I guess. Now he asked me if i was okay the next day and i told him i was fine. And now after 2 days he unadds me on snapchat like wtf. Do ya'll think it was him just being a prick or it was his gf? please help. And idk what to do i feel dec sad because he got all my love and he just vanished so fast and i just feel betrayed.