Just like a man...!


So today I finally started feeling pregnant. I had a thought this morning about babies and ended up full-on sobbing and I’ve been feeling queasy all day. I’ve also been awake since 6 am with my 10 month old and I’ve been cleaning the kitchen.

My husband comes down at 10. Helps me by changing the baby around 11. Complains for an hour that he might be getting a cold because he’s sniffly and he just announced that he needs to go take a nap! Seriously dude?!

Now, I’m just being facetious. He’s a really good dad and helps out a lot (he made sure I had my lunch after the baby had his). I just think it’s funny that here I am feeling queasy and doing my best to ignore it while I watch the baby and clean my kitchen but at the first hint of sniffles, he shuts down, asks me to help him take as much cold medicine as he can without hurting himself “to kill this thing” (I know that’s not how it works, so I help out by limiting what he takes and offering alternatives like soup and tea) and he’s off for a nap. 😂