at my lowest point


ok so my boyfriend and i broke up last month because he cheated on me, and i was honestly fine after a week after it happened, but now my brain will NOT STOP reminding me of our good memories, so now im sad all the time and constantly thinking of him. on top of that, i’m extremely exhausted. i’m in college, and i havent gotten a break from school or work since august and i wont get one until spring break. i pay for school 100% myself and im always low on money because all my money goes to school, and i cant turn down hours because i obviously need money and i am just 100% drained mentally. i have no motivation to do any of my schoolwork, so then i stress myself out because i start my assignment at the last minute. i have exams in all of jan and a bit of feb, and i havent started studying at all. i dont even have the motivation to even shower at a decent hour. i want to get back to my usual independent, motivated self. but im just stuck. i need help because i have no idea what to do