

There is a book called Love & Respect. It talks about the love she most desires and also about the respect he desperately needs.

For me, filling his need of respect has been insanely hard. Because:

Women and men think of respect differently, so when I will think I'm giving him respect he sees the opposite sometimes.

Sometimes he doesn't deserve it.

If he doesn't show me love then why should I bend over backwards showing respect?

How can I respect someone who is mean to me and makes no effort to spend time with me other than when he tells me what more I should do to lose weight?

This has been hard. Really my husband has hardly been respectable the last year. There are good things about him, definitely. Buttttt him being good at fixing things doesn't exactly help me out on a personal level.

And I know some other women have it worse than I do! My husband doesn't drink or do drugs or whore around.

He's a good person in general.

I keep turning to God in all this and he keeps showing me that it all leads back to respect. Yes, the Bible says husband's should love us. But it also says we are to respect our husbands. Regardless of everything else. We are called to respect our husbands. Not to agree with them, not to praise them for everything. But we are to respect our husbands. It is our calling on this earth.

I'll be praying for all of you. Please pray for me.