Successful induced VBAC 38w!!


I'm so excited to share this story because I could not find any induced VBAC stories on here! First of all I should say I had a very experienced and encouraging provider. She had only one patient in 35 years who ruptured during a VBAC attempt and that patient and baby had an emergency c-section and did fine. So, I trusted that if she was comfortable doing it, I was too. In my case my previous c-section was because my first son was breech.

I had to deliver at 38w because I have an antibody issue where I have antibodies that attack the baby's blood, so it was a safer out than in situation (but he's doing great now).

So in the afternoon on Dec 18th I had a membrane sweep. It just felt like a super painful cervix check. I was a little bit crampy after but no contractions that I noticed. Then in the morning on the 19th I went in for induction. I was 2cm 80% effaced at this point, but not contracting or in labor. Dr broke my water at 8:30am. Contractions started immediately at 2mins apart but not super painful. An hour later they decided to start on a super low dose of pitocin to get the intensity of the contractions up.

I kept feeling like I had to poop which was so annoying. I went to the bathroom three times in the first hour before finally accepting I wasn't going to poop. By 10am the contractions were really bad and the nurses kept being like oh you're in early labor! So I figured I was just being a baby and needed to stick it out more. My husband and I walked the halls but I was in so much pain I didn't make it very far before turning back. And, every time I had a contraction I'd leak bloody water everywhere so my husband had to wipe my legs and the floor every time 😂. By 11 they asked me if I wanted an epidural and I decided to try to wait since I was only in early labor... By 11:15 I was like fuck that and got the epidural. The nurses kept talking to me and asking me things during my contractions and it was so annoying. I couldn't respond to them. Finally the epidural took, at first only on my left side, but within about 20 mins it fully kicked in. I could still feel my contractions but I could breathe through them and manage them. By 11:45 I felt pressure in my butt.

12:15 Dr came in and said you're not going to believe this... It's time to push. I was NOT emotionally ready so I just yelled HOLY SHIT I'M NOT READY!! And then I yelled for someone to turn off the TV because I thought it would be weird for the baby to be born with HGTV on in the background 😂 15 mins of pushing and he was born. It was wonderful and the emotional (and physical) recovery has been so much better than my c-section.

Meet Hayes. 6lbs8oz 21.5 inches. His older brother was so excited to meet him.