Induction went so well!!

Lauren • Wife, J • 3.2017 💕 Mom, A • 7.2016 + A • 12.2018 + A • 8.2020 + A • 7.2022 💕

I have heard so many induction horror stories I really wanted to share my experience. So as a disclaimer: my first labor and delivery was rough. Long labor, painful and dramatic delivery, hard recovery. So I walked in pretty scared of how this one would go.

I checked in for my induction (37w) at 730AM. I was dilated 2cm and started pitocin at 10AM. Pretty uneventful labor progression. I had severe polyhydramnios so they wanted control over my water breaking since fetal distress during rupture is common. So they broke my water at around 2pm. Baby handled it well and I continued to labor until about 430pm when I asked for an epidural. I was at 6cm. Got some rest, and was told they anticipated baby’s arrival before 10pm. At around 9:20pm I really felt like I had to push, the midwife showed up at 9:22pm, and in 2 pushes baby boy was in my arms at 9:26pm.

August David 6lbs 10oz, 20 inches 💙