Induced at 39 weeks


I was induced late Sunday night at 39 weeks. Started out at 1cm and had 12 hours of cervadil which caused some minor contractions nothing major. Immediately started pitocin at about 1pm and contractions started getting more painful and I was sure I was progressing nicely and I’d be able to get the epidural soon. (My doctor likes to get close to 4cm before doing the epidural) so at 530pm they check me and I’m still at a 1 😫 at this point I’m tired and hurting and just totally lose it and cry. They finally recommended an iv pain med so I can relax and hopefully let my body relax. My parents left and my husband walked his parents out as I was asleep. About 615 I was woken up by a pretty intense contraction, quickly followed by any other. My husband came back and tried to help me breath through everything but nothing helped! The nurse asked about pain and I said at least an 8. Luckily my doctor was finishing another delivery and came in to assess the situation. He was gonna stop pitocin and start again in the morning as I was in so much pain. So at 7pm my doctor comes in to check to see if I’ve progressed. I thought it was gonna be nothing! He checks and ask for the tool to break my water but then ask if I want the epidural first which I really wanted!! The nurse asked where I was and he said at a 7!! 😳 I tell my husband to call my mom immediately as she was to be in the room! They call for the epidural and everyone is kind of assuming it’ll be after midnight before I will deliver! Boy were they all wrong! Contractions became unbearable and the nurse decided to check again about 745 and I was at a 10 and could no longer get the epidural! Cue the nurses trying to get my doctor back to the hospital and get the room ready. At this point my body took over and I wanted to push more then anything! The nurse and my husband helped me breath through as much as I could. My doctor finally gets back in about 815 and says baby is coming now and I panicked!! He has me do a couple pushes then tells me to wait. I just wanted to push and be done! They get the bed taken apart and the nurses grabbed my legs and I pushed with everything I had. 5 or 6 pushes later out came my very healthy little boy! (Right as my mom ran into the room! Timing couldn’t have been any better) my little guy ended up weighing in at 8lbs 10oz and is 22inches long and absolutely perfect!! Was worth the pain! (Although not sure I could handle it again 😆)