PPD while pregnant with baby #2

Jordyn • Married to the love of my life. Mom to Vivian Claire born 2/5/17. Baby boy due 6/29/19

I just read a post about the Edinburgh scale and was unaware of it until now. I researched it and it brought up so many things that I didn’t even know were related to ppd and I ended up testing myself and got a score of 17. I’m currently 13 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and have always had ppd in the back of my mind since I had my first daughter, mostly because I used to have a great sense of humor and was always making jokes and would laugh at everything and ever since giving birth I can’t find the humor or joy in anything and I have to force excitement. It’s so weird but I guess that’s my biggest sign. I’ve never thought of hurting myself though. I don’t know what to do since I’m already pregnant again and still breastfeeding. Any advice is welcome!