Over 40

Sometimes I feel crazy wanting another baby at this age. Wondering if there is anyone out there over forty trying to get pregnant. I have three children from a marriage that lasted twenty years. My ex is great, we are still a loving supportive family. I have found my soulmate and we are engaged. I love my three children and feel absolutely blessed and grateful. My fiancé has never had a baby and I can see how much he would embrace it. I would love to have a child with him for so many reasons! We have been trying for a year. One implantation and then miscarriage. I get pregnant pretty easily and still have regular periods at this age and am still ovulating. His sperm on the other hand are pretty messed up. He has tried a Viagra type drug and some hormonal/steroid type drug. But that is it. All fertility help out there is expensive and I am told that because of my age they will not use my eggs. And he is not interested in a baby unless it has my genes in it too.