My college best friend

I think that I’ve fallen in love with my male best friend in college. I can talk to him about anything. We even have the same last name (we are not related we checked already, and he is from California and I’m from Missouri and we go to school in Florida). Our freshmen year I dated his friend for a semester and he was messing around with a few of my friends, but we always talked to each other about our lives we know each others deepest secrets. I started noticing I had feelings for him over the summer last year. (We are seniors now). I want to tell him but we’ve been so good at being friends for so long and I don’t want to spend my life with anyone but him. He’s met my family and traveled home with me and I’ve met his and traveled home with him our parents think it’s crazy that we’re just friends but we are we’ve never kissed or anything just hugs. For four years I’ve spent every holiday with him. I think I should probably ignore the feelings cause I don’t want to lose him as a friend.