Just got an awful call


I had an ultrasound on Monday and I just got a call that they think my daughter has a cleft palate. They’re sending me to a bigger hospital about an hour away so I can have an ultrasound done by some kind of specialist. I’m so upset and sad. I just don’t understand. I’ll always love my baby no matter what. I just don’t know why this happened. My first daughter didn’t have any problems what so ever. Cleft palates/ lips don’t run in my husbands or my family. Everything I read online is just worrying me more. She will have a hard time with speech, hearing, eating, and her teeth. I wanted to breast feed so badly and I know she won’t be able to do that. They didn’t say anything about a cleft lip, just a palate, but when I look back on her ultras picture I think I see it on her lip. Maybe i’m just over thinking it, maybe it’s just a shadow. Idk. I’m feeling so many things right now. Any other mamas in here having a baby with a cleft palate/lip? Here’s where I think I see it on her lip🙁