
So in November I had a spontaneous Mc and I didn’t even know that I was pregnant. I had negative tests but when I went to the doctor he ran my blood and said I had levels of hcg that represented pregnancy. I had two strong strong days of bleeding. My doctor said everything was so short and my period was early that it’s most likely that the blastocyst didn’t attach properly and that’s why I Mc.

After that “period” my doctor said that I should have no problem trying again before my next period. We tried and up until three days before my period started glow said my period would last my regular 4/5 days however when it got closer and my cramps were pretty dead on I all of the sudden went to log and my period was in glow for two days.

Me being a pessimist I was like nah this bitch will last for days. I just was feeling so off. I got heavy bleeding on Saturday right on time and then just like last month my period all of the sudden just stopped on Sunday evening. I’ve got some super light spotting for the last two hours but it’s light enough not to use a tamp.

Well now it’s saying I won’t ovulate till the 3rd week of January AND I won’t get a period in January?

Originally before I logged my period it said I was gonna o the 11-16th and start my period on the 30th

I’m super confused and I don’t understand why my period is only two days again

I didn’t think heavy bleeding was possible if you’re pregnant so I haven’t tested

I’ve been reading that it is and some people even have what they think it their period but I don’t think I’m pregnant

My boobs were hurting so bad and I had period cramps all week until I actually started bleeding and now I have some acid reflux a headache and then I have some random mild mild cramps every now and then

Any opinions?