Sibling help

So I have 4 siblings 2 years apart going up from me then 2 sibling 3 years then 2 years then one years under on m dad side from my mom I only have one half brother who's 12 years under me I have now moved on with my life and have started a family. My mother who I am no longer close to bc she hates my husband and his family bc we wanted to be alone during the delivery of my first child(didn't happen bc he inserted herself there and didn't leave...) I have always tried to get close to my brother from my mom like I am with all my other siblings but now she is using him to spy on my life and to judge me to my family how terrible of a person I am that I lost a few cousin bc they think I am a druggie with a one year old who I have publicly said I breastfeed and they think that wrong and that they don't want me to influence others who are pregnant near me etc....( bc my brother told my mom he saw me smoking while the baby was alone and scream crying) my brother from my mom said now has this " free pass" to be a jackass when he comes to my house provided by my I stoped inviting them over... now I am a terrible person who only care about boys and sex and that's why I live with my husband and my husband only wants me for the sex I give him and i things will change once I take control apparently said by my mother in from if everyone at a family reunion.. bc of this I stoped going I was so embarrassed

I need advice on what to do with my mother.. they currently invited themselves over at 10 pm and knocked and kicking on our door like they were bout to die if I didn't open up- which woke up my one and a half year old and my newborn

** side note our neighbors came out to answer there door bc it was that loud I was so embarrassed