Baby sleep- help 😩

0leanderTea • Mama to Miles Bruce and Mabel Alexandra❤️

Okay throw all your tips at me for getting your baby to sleep better? My little boy will be 6 months on the 4th and he is still waking at least once a night but lately twice or more. He also naps very poorly and I feel like we have been trying so hard to help him sleep better but we’re having no luck 😥

Some background-

- He is mostly formula fed now but I still breastfeed occasionally (mostly his night feeds)- I just stopped making enough to keep bf exclusively.

- He still sleeps in our room in a rock n play. We tried moving him to his crib and it was literally the worst night ever. He cried the entire night.

- We JUST stopped swaddling his arms because he can roll easily now but he slept very well swaddled.

- He has always slept with a fan on in the room for white noise and we have a nightlight in the bathroom off our bedroom but the room is mostly dark.

- My husband snores and I think that may be waking him up? But it didn’t bother him when he was younger?

- My baby seems gassier than normal lately, we think from his formula. He was on gentle formula but it hasn’t been making a difference with it. I bought him probiotics drops and I’m trying to be better about gas drops but they don’t seem to be helping much either.

- Usually when he wakes up I try giving him a pacifier and getting him to go back to sleep. If that fails I breastfeed him until he falls back asleep. Just shushing and rocking him doesn’t have much success.

- He goes to bed around 7-7:30 and is up for the day by 6:45 on weekends. Weekdays it is 6:30 so we can take him to my parents. I would love to push his bedtime slightly later but he gets very cranky by that time (probably from lack of naps).

Please let me know what worked for you or what we could be doing differently! We are both trying so hard but he’s our first so we’re really unsure.

Thank you!