Soooooo I’m probably going to get shit for this & honestly don’t care bc i need real honest opinions 🤷🏽‍♀️

Anyways here’s a little back story for y’all. i am a step mother of a 2yo boy.

My SO and his baby mother separated when baby was 7 months due to many issues one being she cheated on him throughout whole pregnancy. They tried working it out for the sake of the child but she ended up just choosing the other person she cheated with over my SO. They now share the child equally, We have him every other week switching every Sunday.

Fast forward to now with me in the picture.. me and SO have been together for a year now and have lived together since 2 months in the relationship (yes fast as hell but it felt right & it was) anyways since the very beginning she found out about me she non stop asks personal questions regarding mine & SO relationship asking if we’re really trying for a child etc that it’s not a good idea. (She found that out off our social media since she stays Stalking us both) & yes my man has repeatedly told her it’s none of her business and to worry bout the relationship she’s in now. Not ours. & yes we have her blocked now on everything.

Every week we have him she constantly FaceTimes almost every other day multiple times to speak with her son. She non stop text my SO every day If child has pooped. Or what did we do today etc just stupid things that i myself find unnecessary... she calls my so on his lunch break sometimes crying to talk about what their going to do when child goes to school ( like bitch he’s 2 years old stop worrying about that right now) she’s just constantly calling and I’m tired of it !!! I get that you miss your child or whatever but damn let us be. We don’t bug her at all when she has him. We wait until we see him again. Idk i feel like she only does this to be up in our business everyday & to talk to my man. Of course if it’s something important regarding child i have no issue with.

So my question is how would you feel about this ?? Should they be texting / talking this much to co parent child ? Is it necessary?

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