Open letter to Mother in law

Dear Mother in law,

How I’ve tried to get you to like me. I’ve spent hours learning about: your hobbies, your work, your children and yourself. I’ve done my best to make you feel welcome in my home. I’ve worked so hard to make you see I’m worthy of your son.

You still remind me you liked his ex fiancé better.

You still remind me my teaching degree isn’t a real degree. “Those who can’t teach.” You have said those words many times. Along with; “You don’t even seem like a ‘college educated’ woman.”

Oh, Mother in law, all these years I’ve been trying to make you like me. All these years I have never once asked myself if I like you. The answer is... no.

Did you know the year before I met your son I was dating a man whose mother I loved? Crazy part is, she loved me too. That relationship didn’t work out. So, I have never once told you how much I liked his mother better.

Did you know the ex fiancé, you know the one you liked better, cheated on your son? Not once, not twice, not even three times, but, four. All while wearing his ring.

Did you know your son is well taken care of? Did you know the first meal he ever had made for him from someone, other than you, came from me?

He may always be your little boy. But, he is now also my man. I do everything to make sure you two still have a relationship. I step aside, I go to things alone.

I also try to help my children love you. Even though they beg not to have to see you. They hide when you get here. I remind them how much you love them and all the good memories you have with them.

Mother in law, did you know you are ruining the relationship you have with your son? Tearing me down in front of him has made him and my children resent you.

Mother in law, I don’t know what it is about me that has made you hate me. I don’t know if you don’t know how to let go of your boy. I don’t know if it’s my personality. I don’t know if it’s simply the fact I can do things only you use to be able to do for this family. As your husband has said to you, “Try not to turn that into a pissing contest.” As I set the turkey on the table this thanksgiving.

But, I’m done worrying about our relationship. You are the one missing out on what could be a great relationship. I’m worthy of a mother’s love.

Sincerely, ‘Daughter’ in law