Is this a good reason to divorce?

My husband and i are both borned in the US, but hes saving money for all of us to move to the country where his ancestors are. Hes tired of dealing with racism. Now, im not feeling good about this, because i have a feeling hes just going to fuck me over, by cheating on me, and possibly marry 2nd wife.

Over there, its allowed to marry 2nd wife, and marry women at the age of 14-16. Also, the women over there dont really have value for themselves, or life in general. Like if a married man wants to date them, if she likes him, shed agree to date him. Then, wants to be his 2nd wife. And its always about the money, if he has money, then why not? Thats how they are. And their parents dont value them as much either, so they dont care what their daughters do, who she marries, etc. He will have a lot of opportunites to meet new women.

This is all why i dont think its a good idea, and we have no family living over there. So if he did cheat, then i ll be fucked, and have no where to go. Also, with all his money used, we'll go poor eventually, with no good paying jobs. You have to go do your own garden and hunting to get food.

And before he told me this, he was checking out lots of videos of women over there on youtube. So idk, i feel like if he wants to move over there regardless, then he can go himself, and we can get a divorce. Cause i know it will not end well! And back then he told me im lucky we dont live over there, cause if we did, then hed cheat on me many times!