I went for a sweep on Wednesday at my midwife, 4cm and 50% effaced


I went for a sweep on Wednesday at my midwife, 4cm and 50% effaced. I went again Thursday at 2pm for another sweep after the most relaxing acupuncture session! Then I went to walk around the mall and starting having some really mild contractions. Got home but decided they were too weak and went to bed early. Woke up around 2am cause my toddler decided it would be a good night to pee the bed 🙈 was still having weak contractions but went back to bed. Was woken up around 3/330 with things getting stronger so decided to stay in bed as long as possible. Had to get up and start coping around 430. Starting timing around 530 and they were about 30 seconds long, but coming every 2-3 mins so it was feeling a little rough. Called the midwife around 6 but she told me to call back when they were 1min long for about an hour. Called back at 830 and told her they were 1 min long and coming every 2 min. By this point I couldn’t talk much and was feeling some rectal pressure during contractions, so hubby and I just threw everything in the car and drove the 10 min to the hospital. Arrived and they put us straight into a room, the same room I delivered my daughter in 2 years ago 😍 as soon as we got in I stripped and put on the hospital gown and then my water broke just as the midwife arrived. Checked me and I was 8 almost 9 cm. I really wanted a water birth so we filled the tub and I jumped in. Got the urge to push after about 20 minutes maybe. I pushed about 3 times for the head, the cord was wrapped twice so the midwives untangled him and then I pushed the shoulders out. I was like omg hurry up - I hate pushing, and so I gave a little push and they helped pull him out and I grabbed my boy and pulled him to my chest. He turned around and opened his eyes so wide! It was the most incredible thing. We did delayed cord clamping and hung out in the water. I had a retained placenta with my daughter so we chose to have a shot of pitocin after birth to make sure things went smoothly. I had to get up in a squat and push it out but it came out beautifully in one piece. Daddy cut the cord and we got out of the tub to cuddle and breastfeed. He has a great latch and has been nursing all day, such a different experience from my first who I had such trouble getting a good latch. I had a small first degree tear that didn’t require stitches. We were discharged at lunch and grabbed bagels on the way home and have just been snuggling all day. Omg I’m so in love and so happy.