Ugh, people!

So, I’ve learned a ton from this app. One of these many things being a faint line means you’re pregnant. It doesn’t matter how faint but if it’s there, it’s THERE! Last night I was on TikTok (my sisters and I send dumb videos back and forth) and this woman posted her pregnancy announcement! I thought it was SO CUTE!! Her test had a faint line but also bold enough to see in dim lighting. I read the comments and people were saying “she’s not pregnant! The line is too faint!”

Some one said “have you even ever taken a pregnancy test?? If the line is faint it means negative” in which I commented

“Have YOU ever taken a test?? A faint line means pregnant! If there’s two lines then it’s there” and the girl commented “I just took a test and I had a faint line. I’m not pregnant.” I was think okay but you ARE SO???

Anyway, if I’m wrong I’m sorry but I assume women wanting faint lines means it’s a positive test.