Work after baby


Ladies. I am so conflicted. I recently decided after I have my second daughter in May I am going to stay home for a while because my current job (5 years this year) isn’t worth going back too due to the pay, lack of babysitter and because I was rushed back after my first daughter. I haven’t received a raise since I’ve worked there. I told my employer yesterday of my decision. Although he was supportive of my decision, he did offer me a raise and to pay for a babysitter for both my girls. He did not say how much of a raise or if it would be either a raise or pay for a sitter.

My “plan” after having my second was to spend the summer adjusting to two and hopefully getting on at the school board as a para. I guess I have this fairy tale in my head that if I can get in at the school board, I would have it made. I would get great hours, summers and holidays off and not have to worry about a babysitter during those times. Yes, I know paras and teachers work some days students aren’t there but nothing like a regular job would be.

I know if I don’t go back to work where I am currently at, there is a chance I will not get on at the school board and therefore needing a job elsewhere. I also don’t want to go back to my employer and not get another raise for years or until I have another baby. I really just don’t know where to go. I am so confused.

I am currently a certified paralegal and have heard of other law offices paying $6 more than what I make now. Although I do have it good where I am at because I have flexible hours, Friday’s off, and they are super laid back, I wonder if I can move up elsewhere.