Naps? How many and how long?

Olivia • SAHM 🤰🏽 10/17/2016 👦🏼 🤰🏽 8/31/2018 👶🏼 Carter and Leo ❤️

How many naps and how long? Do you ever wake them from a long nap? So my 4 month old sleeps maybe 45 mins in the morning then will take a 3 hour nap sometimes until around 3 or 4 and I give him another cat nap around 5 maybe for 45 mins bedtime at 8 and usually wakes around 8am (Is up 4 times at night lately) I’m wondering if this is too much day time sleep. Should I wake him after two hours for his long nap?

He used to sleep through the night until about a month ago. He also only napped two shorts 40 min naps yesterday and was still up at 2,4,5:30,7. Just trying to find a happy medium it’s just tough because I don’t wanna cut his long nap short in case he doesn’t nap at all the rest of the day. I don’t know. Lol