MC and I want to start again, Husband doesnt.


Hello. First time poster here.

I have a very difficult post. First off we were trying for baby number 2, after only 2 trys we found out we were pregnant. I was going to announce to the family on christmas about or new addition, but things starting to go downhill, on Oct 13th I started bleeding. At only 7 weeks along. I got confirmation from the doc 2 weeks later that my body natually "cleaned" its self out and whenever i felt ready, I am in the green to try again.

My husband and I talked about it that night and both agreed that we dont want our two kids far apart in age and we wanted to start right away.

So without any hesitation we started trying. We were able to try for about 2 days, after that my husband started to act a bit off. He told me he has been tired and we will get back into the swing of things in a day or two. A week later we tryed again, but this time my husband was not able to "finish" this happened for the next 3 nights in a row, which leads us up to today.

I feel horrible about myself like its my fault, and Im not good enough to keep him going. I feel so sad. We talked about it, and he said that its not me, its him ( sounds super cliche) He told me that hes afraid to see me go thru the pain and heartbreak that we recently went thru.

(Yes it was hard and yes I did cry myself to sleep for that first week after losing my LO. but to me i feel like i need to move past this and continue to try, yes there is always a possibility of a miscarriage, yes it would be hard a 2nd time, but i feel like we should still try.)

After my husband told me how he felt we sat in silence for a while on the couch. I told him that I am ready, and I am going to give him his time to process everything, and whenever hes ready, im ready.

But im still pretty heartbroken right now about the whole thing.

Has anyone else gone thru anything like this?