Can you be on your period when having laparoscopy?



Period starts the same day I’m suppose to have my laparoscopy wondering if I can still do it.

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Posted at
Yes you can


Nasha • Jan 16, 2019
Thank you!


Posted at
When I had my surgery I was on CD 5. I was still bleeding and that was fine.


A • May 14, 2020
I was on cycle day 5 too and still bleeding. I just had mine 2 days ago. Was your next period after it delayed?


Nasha • Jan 16, 2019
Thank you !


Posted at
I consulted two doctors for my surgery. One preferred me to be on my period so the endometriosis would be most visible. The other wanted to do it just before my period bc she thought it’d be too inflamed. I went with the second doctor. Seems like it might just be a personal preference so I’d ask your doctor.


Nasha • Jan 16, 2019
Thank you!


Posted at
Mine didn't want me on my period. But probably because it would be messy since they also did a hysteroscopy. I was on cycle day 6 for mine, but was SUPPOSED to be on cycle day 3. He said light bleeding was fine, but would've had to reschedule for days 1 or 2 of period.