It's my fault (tw)

My sister had a boyfriend who had a daughter, they broke up and it's all my fault. I really feel bad because I can't tell her the reason why he left her.

When I was young my older brother raped me, he's still a part of the family (not near me because I stay away) and I knew I had to tell him because he has a little girl. No one believed me in the family, but everyone outside of my family believes me. They know he's capable because he's not a nice person, but for some reason they don't understand it. They think because he never touched my other sister it didn't happen, but that's not how that works.

I feel so bad because my sister can never know I told him.

Then again at the same time I protected another little girl from being hurt by my brother.

I'm proud of what I did even though I am hiding it.