Implantation bleeding or something else?!


Hi ladies! I’m doing the symptom check thing. Here is the story. I had my first child 8 months ago. Before getting pregnant I was very regular, every 26 days like clockwork. Since having her I’ve only had 2 cycles starting at 6 months postpartum. My first period was Dec 2 and my second period came cycle 26 days later and I started on Dec 28. Since I’ve only had 2 periods I don’t know for sure if I’m back to being regular. I’m currently on CD18. Yesterday in the afternoon on CD (cycle day) 17 I had some very light spotting when I wiped. It wasn’t like normal menstral spotting. It was more like egg white consistency with some pinkish tinge to it. I had a little bit more this morning when I wiped but it’s not really even needing me to wear a liner. And it’s pinkish NOT red. I don’t know when I ovulated... DH (dear husband) and I BD (baby dance (sex)) in the evening on CD (cycle day) 10 and in the morning on CD (cycle day) 16. I am assuming I ovulated around CD (cycle day) 13 however I don’t know for sure since I don’t temp or test for ovulation. I’m wondering if maybe this is implantation possibly? Or maybe I was way off and I’m ovulating late and maybe it’s ovulation bleeding? Or does spotting after sex ever start over 24 hours after actually having sex? I don’t think it’s an early period because it’s not getting heavier. I am due to start my period on the 23rd but what can I say I’m an impatient symptom checker. I didn’t have implantation bleeding with my daughter so this is new for me. Has anyone else had this happen? How did it end up for you?!