Do you ladies understand?

I want to do a 5 generation photo. I had one when i was a baby and i love it looking at it even today. Now that im having my little one theirs 5 generations again. Shes the first of her generation in our family. My great grandma refuses. Shes not that old (a whole line of young pregnancies). She raised my mom because my grandma had her kid as a teen and wasn't over her party days. So technically by law she is my moms adoptive mother and anytime you mention shes my great grandma and not just gramdma she gets pissed. She gets pissed because my mom calls her bio mom momma too. She lost all her kids because she couldn't take care of them and she didn't try to get them back once taken away so my great aunts and uncle and my grandma was raised by other family members. When any of them reffer to their adoptive parents as mom she gets mad because shes their bio mom but when my mom calls her bio mom mom she gets mad. I know plenty of people who raised their grandchildren and didn't mine them calling them grandma or whatever because thats what they are. Im just frustrated she wont cooperate with anyone and gets mad at everything.