London-Nicole • 🤰🏻 TTC w/ PCOS

My fiancé and I are TTC, finally! I started clomid CD 6 and finished CD 9. My periods are a little on the longer side, close to 40 days. I’ve never tested before with an OPK but I always got the CM discharge around the time of my “Fertile Window” on my <a href="">Period Tracker</a> Apps... my doctor told me to BD on CDs 15, 17, and 19 (she doesn’t keep track of my period) — but those are the “typical” days for women who ovulate regularly. We did the deed on CD 15, I began OPKs, got a negative 15 and 16. I tested early (8:30 in the morning) CD 17 this past Sunday (01/13), and Peak was detected with Clear Blue Digital! *VERY EXCITING!* My fiancé and I BD that night, and we planned to last night also, unfortunately he fell asleep and although he wished I woke him up I didn’t feel right doing so, because I hate the feeling of this becoming more of a chore than doing it for intimacy. But! We will do it tonight CD 19. And I go for my Follicle Ultrasound Thursday, CD 21!! *EXCITING!*

I’m PRAYING this works, but try not to get my hopes up too high! But also, can’t help it!

My question for you ladies... did my fiancé and I mess up our first clomid cycle, by not BD’ing at the appropriate time?? Also, how successful were you, struggling with PCOS but becoming pregnant on clomid first cycle!?